Esther - Part One

I am going to be posting sections of a story I started a few years ago, and still have inside of me. So, here is part one.


The rain left little speckled droplets on the train station windows. I stared past them to the train platform, and then focused on the droplets again, platform, droplets, platform, droplets, platform. I clutched my ticket in my red, soggy hands. I shivered inside my wet coat which hung around me like a willowy old man. My ribs tried to brush the dust that had settled between them since I'd sat here in this puddle of rain. The water had dripped off me onto the floor in a methodical drip-drip-drip. A light flickered in the corner, like it was coughing, struggling to light up the tiny waiting room prison-cell I was sat in. A girl sat opposite me. With pale skin, crow feather hair, and a backpack hugged to her chest she was the perfect mystery. She remained completely still apart from her feet, which had subconsciously been tapping along to the drip-drip-drip of the clothes-to-floor water feature that I had become. My fingers found themselves drumming my thigh in time. I eyed her suspiciously, her face was very ordinary. She had a nose which curled upwards and a dark pair of eyes which stared straight ahead, giving nothing away. Even with her silent manner I felt, somehow, that she had been hurt. Why was she be in a train station waiting room at 22:36 on a Wednesday evening? She probably had a completely sane reason to be here. As for me? I didn’t.

My train arrived, I heard it first over the tannoy from a voice that sounded categorically ill. I glanced over at the girl as I left the waiting room. Her glassy dark eyes remained vacant and she stared straight ahead still. The train windows had fogged up around the corners and I was smacked in the face by the cold as I walked out onto the platform. My breath went before me in loopy clouds before disappearing as I walked. Boarding the train, I sat down quickly, avoiding the eyes of the few people onboard already. I didn’t really know where I was going, I just had to get away.

Part two coming soon!

Ellen Victoria


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