Poem: Am I Woman? Do I Roar?

Am I woman? Do I roar?

I wonder what people say in their head when they see me.

Am I mature and shapely and even a little sexy?

Do I bounce along the pavement in girlish steps?

Do I glide and grace like a lady?

What do they see?

Do they tell their child to ‘watch out for that lady’, 

Or does the bartender say ‘that girl left her keys behind.’

Do they mutter ‘fuck off woman’ under their breath,

When I laugh too loudly on the phone. 

I wonder whether it changes depending on 

which version of myself I’m presenting to the world.

In sports shorts and that black cap with the little daisy on 

That Natalia gave me. In orange converse,

And a t-shirt far too long. In checkered vans and a dress 

far too short. With my hair

Up, down, a bit of both. 

In baggy jeans bought hastily 

On my way to work on a rainy day. In a top that swings low,

In this fucking linen shirt I never seem to take off?

Legs with short slivers of sunlight peeking out

Catching the light, twinkling in rebellion.

With armpits dense with light brown

curls, With exposed scalp at the base of a head, 

With nails not long or short. Just sort of, left. 

Sparkling eyelids and fluttering lashes, or deep Purple loops 

surrounding grey eyes. Colourful socks

Peering over the tops of my shoes. Do I look like a grown up?

Do I look like I have a job at a desk? Like I know what I’m doing?

Am I woman?

Do I roar?


I was out for the afternoon taking a walk in the sun around my new home and looking for frozen fruit for smoothies. I got wondering how people see me. Whether I'm a girl, a lady, a woman. I'm not really bothered by this internally. But it is interesting to ponder what sort of reaction other people may have by my woman-ness, even when I'm not dressed or presenting my own woman-ness. Gender expression is such an interesting and for some reason frequently taboo topic. I wonder all of this and wanted to write it down. I'm really not fussed what the answers are. I think that's why so many question marks appear in this one.

Ellen Victoria


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