I just want somebody who wants me back.

 I just want somebody who wants me back. 

Because I’m tired. 

I’m tired of caring about someone who only thinks of me when it suits them.

I’m tired of being available for someone who sees me as a second choice. 

I’m tired of feeling like we’re magic and then feeling like we’re nothing. 

I’m tired of hoping they see me the way I see them.

I’m tired of not knowing if I’m doing the right thing. 

I’m tired of wondering if I’m being stupid. 

I’m tired of questioning the way I’m acting. 

I’m tired of convincing myself they’re worth the wait.

I’m tired of feeling one-sided in a game built for two. 

I’m tired of feeling like you reply because I write, feeling like you smile because I did first, like you answer the door just because I knock. 

I’m tired of feeling like you might not care if I walked away.


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