The beginning

Orange dungarees and a floral black shirt, too warm 

on a sunny day at the start of May. The sun 

peeks out behind clouds, dripping humid air all around them. 

Books are held and flicked open, first pages read and then replaced 

on shelves, ideas are shared on lips between stolen kisses. 

Intrusive laughter disturbs a quiet room, interrupts formality woven 

along tables and sips of wine. Red and white

glasses empty between toothy smiles. Clammy hands are held 

along cobbled streets, knees knock under tables, feet interlock

momentarily. Snorts and wails and cackles ring out 

as they trip over jokes together. Spilling humour 

down their fronts, they leave a trail of badly made puns 

and clumsy references as they stride. Confident footing, 

noisy steps and half-made plans. Matching birthdays and yells of 

surprise and investment and shared laughter. X-rays, 

two kind hearts glow, bright white in the clear day. Cushioned 

from the world, two souls flit between shops and bars and onto trains 

and off trains and kiss on the pavement under the darkening sky 

not wanting to let go. 

The magic that holds them afloat parts in half 

as they walk in opposite directions. Holding each of them up, just a little 

taller. Protects their feet from the hard ground below. Grins burn

into their cheeks, across the city, they smile into their lit

screens. Each others’ names at the top: 

“It was perfect.”


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