
Spring - poem 

written 23/02/2021

Spring is on its way. I can taste it.

It curls along the wind

And I lick the air and think,

‘It’s almost here.’


It’s in the sun peeking through the clouds,

In the snowdrops pushing their way to the light,

In the clunky sound my wellies make on the road,

The whistle in the wind that isn’t as cold as it was last week.


The fields have woken up,

The clouds are wringing themselves dry,

The trees are stretching, shaking off the frost

That has trapped them since November.


The colours are restored.

Greens and blues and yellows

Emerge from brown and grey and lifeless.

Even the house feels like it’s relaxing.


My wardrobe itches. The floral dresses and the orange

Converse ache to be released. They climb forward at the

Open door until it shuts and they settle back into the dark space.

My toe nails beg to be painted.


My arms long to feel orange light on their pale blonde hairs,

To be freed instead of encased in cotton. My legs dream

Of flip flops and sports shorts worn for no reason. I crave the

Cool breeze and the warm heart of spring.


It’s on its way.

Ellen Victoria 



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