My latest project is: Me

It may seem small, it may seem silly. 

My project over the last few weeks has been me.

Looking after me. 

Seems I’ve deemed myself not worth looking after.

As of late. 

Decided it wasn’t an efficient use of time

To take care of myself. 

So I let it all slide. 

So now my project is me. 

Looking after me. 

I cook me food. 

I take myself on walks. 

I breathe in deeply, feel the cold air in my lungs. 

I buy myself fewer drinks. 

I smoke fewer cigarettes. 

I do the dishes for myself, so I don’t have to in the morning. 

I make my bed in the morning.

Put clothes away at night. 

Go to the gym and break out in a sweat. 

Read my book on a train or a bus.

Eat three meals a day. 

Dress myself in my favourite outfits.

Snack when I want to. 

Pour myself plenty of water. 

Fill the fridge full of multiple options. 

Pile cans up in the drawer, ready for hunger to strike.

Listen to my body. When it’s tired.

When it’s hurt. 

When it needs to rest. 

When it needs to cry. 

I’m treating myself to nice things. 

Making coffee in a cute new mug. 

Trying the foods I’ve eyed up for ages.

Booking myself to do fun things. 

I’m placing myself on a pedestal. 

Looking at me from down here. 

Look at that person, they deserve praise. 

They deserve to eat when they’re hungry, 

Wake up without a hangover,

Have cool air in their lungs, 

Exercise and enjoy it.

EAT and enjoy it. 

My project has been me.

Looking after me. 

And I’m not going to stop.

- 26/10/2023


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