Today it snowed.

 Today it snowed.

Today it snowed.

It’s been doing that a lot recently.

I don’t mind.

It’s not like we have anywhere to go anyway.


It was snowing when I woke up. I pulled back the curtains to reveal the bright white landscape beyond my window. The top of the workshop was covered, and the rooves of the cars had been iced in a thin white frosting.

In the kitchen, I stared out of the window. While steam from my mug of tea swirled its way up to my face, fat blobs of white landed on the hedge and disappeared.

It didn’t stop.


Bundled up, my neck restricted from all the layers, I ventured out into the lanes.

The dog on her lead.

She seems to forget about snow, only to find this new cold matter under her feet, and get excited again.

She jumps and hops and bounds around, zooming from one spot to another, stopping, looking about her restlessly, only to go off again.

I watched, in joyous adoration.


We wandered down the quiet lane, crunching the fresh, clean snow beneath my feet, making fresh tracks on the road. A foot print, smaller than my father’s, bigger than my mother’s.

Chunky black boots.

I stopped, and stood looking upwards.

Snow hit my face, danced on my skin, melted.


Everything new. Everything familiar, yet different. Concealed, highlighted, covered.

Hopefully, a signal: a clean slate. A fresh start.

The flood, the ark, the rainbow.

The pain, melts away with the snow. The hardship, gone with the return of the sun.

A weighted blanket, to keep the anxiety at bay. Comfort, companionship.


Stay safe,

Stay warm.

Select refresh.

A bit of a mental and creative outpour. I loved today. I spent most of it in the snow and I wanted to jot something down. This is how it came out. Kind of prose-poetry, kind of pretentious, kind of me. I enjoyed writing it, and I'll probably enjoy reading it back to myself at some point. 

I just want to keep creating. 

So, enjoy. 

Ellen Victoria



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